
From MySQL to PostgreSQL

In this article I will guide you through the steps I had to take to migrate Django projects from MySQL to PostgreSQL.

MySQL database has proven to be a good start for small and medium scale projects. It is known and used widely and has good documentation. Also there are great clients for easy management, like phpMyAdmin (web), HeidiSQL (windows), or Sequel Pro (macOS). However, in my professional life there were unfortunate moments, when databases from different projects crashed because of large queries or file system errors. Also I had database integrity errors which appeared in the MySQL databases throughout years because of different bugs at the application level.

When one thinks about scaling a project, they have to choose something more suitable. It should be something that is fast, reliable, and well supports ANSI standards of relational databases. Something that most top Django developers use. And the database of choice for most professionals happens to be PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL enables using several vendor-specific features that were not possible with MySQL, e.g. multidimensional arrays, JSON fields, key-value pair fields, special case-insensitive text fields, range fields, special indexes, full-text search, etc. For a newcomer, the best client that I know - pgAdmin (macOS, linux, windows) - might seem too complex at first, compared with MySQL clients, but as you have Django administration and handy ORM, you probably won't need to inspect the database in raw format too often.

So what does it take to migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL? We will do that in a few steps and we will be using pgloader to help us with data migration. I learned about this tool from Louise Grandjonc, who was giving a presentation about PostgreSQL query optimization at DjangoCon Europe 2017.

One prerequisite for the migration are passing tests. You need to have functional tests to check if all pages are functioning correctly and unit tests to check at least the most critical or complex classes, methods, and functions.

1. Prepare your MySQL database

Make sure that your production MySQL database migration state is up to date:

(env)$ python manage.py migrate --settings=settings.production

Then create a local copy of your production MySQL database. We are going to use it for the migration.

2. Install pgloader

As I mentioned before, for the database migration we will use a tool called pgloader (version 3.4.1 or higher). This tool was programmed by Dimitri Fontaine and is available as an open source project on GitHub. You can compile the required version from the source. Or if you are using macOS, you can install it with Homebrew:

$ brew update
$ brew install pgloader

Note that PostgreSQL will also be installed as a dependency.

3. Create a new PostgreSQL user and database

Unlike with MySQL, creating new database users and databases with PostgreSQL usually happen in the shell rather than in the database client.

Let's create a user and database with the same name myproject.

$ createuser --createdb --password myproject
$ createdb --username=myproject myproject

The --createdb parameter will enable privilege to create databases. The --password parameter will offer to enter a password. The --username parameter will set the owner of the created database.

4. Create the schema

Link the project to this new PostgreSQL database in the settings, for example:

    'postgresql': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': get_secret("DATABASE_NAME"),
        'USER': get_secret("DATABASE_USER"),
        'PASSWORD': get_secret("DATABASE_PASSWORD"),
DATABASES['default'] = DATABASES['postgresql']

Here the custom get_secret() function returns sensitive information from environment variables or a text file that is not tracked under version control. Its implementation is up to you.

Run the migrations to create tables and foreign key constraints in the new PostgreSQL database:

(env)$ python manage.py migrate --settings=settings.local

5. Create the data migration script

The pgloader uses configuration files with the settings defining how to deal with migrations. Let's create the configuration file myproject.load with the following content:

    FROM mysql://mysql_username:mysql_password@localhost/mysql_dbname
    INTO postgresql:///myproject
    WITH truncate, data only, disable triggers, preserve index names, include no drop, reset sequences
    ALTER SCHEMA 'mysql_dbname' RENAME TO 'public'

6. Run data migration

Now it's time to copy the data:

$ pgloader myproject.load

Typically you will get a bunch of warnings about type conversions. These can probably be ignored, because the script will take its best guess how to convert data when importing. If in addition you get errors about duplicated data or tables with foreign keys to missing entries, you will need to fix the issues at MySQL database and then repeat the process. In that case, clean up the MySQL database, update your local copy, recreate PostgreSQL database with dropdb and createdb commands, run Django migrations to create the database schema, and copy the data again.

7. Adapt the code

When the database is successfully migrated, we should run Django project tests and fix all PostgreSQL-specific problems in the project's code. The code running Django ORM will run smoothly, but very likely there will be issues with raw SQL, QuerySet's extra() method, and type conversions.

Typically, these are the differences that you might have to keep in mind:

  • String values in PostgreSQL queries are always quoted with 'single quotes'.

  • PostgreSQL doesn't convert types when comparing values automatically as MySQL does. If you use any raw SQL, you will need to do some casting before comparison like CAST(blog_post.id AS text) = likes_like.object_id or blog_post.id::text = likes_like.object_id. The latter double-colon syntax is not understood by MySQL, so if you want to support both databases, you will need to write vendor-specific cases for each database management system.

  • PostgreSQL is case-sensitive for string comparisons, so in the QuerySet filters you will need to use *__iexact lookup instead *__exact and *__icontains lookup instead of *__contains.

  • When ordering, convert the column to lowercase with the Lower() function:

    from django.db import models
    posts = Post.objects.order_by(models.Lower('title'))
  • When using *__in lookup, make sure that the type of the listed elements matches the type of the model field. For example, you may have a Like model with generic relation, i.e. content_type and object_id fields that together combine a generic foreign key to any model instance. The object_id field is usually of a string type, but the IDs of related models might be integers, strings, or UUIDs. If you then want to get the liked Posts which primary keys are integers, you would need to convert the object_id values to integers before assigning them to the pk__in lookup in the filter:

    liked_ids = map(int, Like.objects.filter(
    ).values("object_id", flat=True))
    liked_posts = Post.objects.filter(pk__in=liked_ids)

8. Repeat the process for production

When you are sure that the migration process is fluent and all Django tests pass, you can take your production website down, repeat the migration process locally with the latest production data, copy the migrated local database to production server, update the production code, install new dependencies, and take the website back online.

To create a database dump you can use command:

$ pg_dump --format=c --compress=9 --file=myproject.backup myproject

To restore or create the database from dump use commands:

$ dropdb --username=pgsql myproject
$ createdb --username=myproject myproject
$ pg_restore --dbname=myproject --role=myproject --schema=public myproject.backup

I might probably miss some points and there are some ways to automate the upgrade process for production, but you got the idea.


PostgreSQL is more restrictive than MySQL, but it provides greater performance, more stability, and better compliance with standards. In addition, in PostgreSQL there is a bunch of features that were not available in MySQL. If you are lucky, you can switch your project from MySQL to PostgreSQL in one day.

Cover photo by Casey Allen


Numbers in Translatable Strings

Sentences in websites like "You've got 1 messages." or "Messages you've got: 5" sound unnatural and not human-friendly. But the GNU gettext tool used with Django for translations has an option to define different pluralization depending on the number which goes together with the counted noun. Things get even more interesting with certain languages which have not just singular and plural like English, German, French, or Spanish, but more plural forms or just a single one.

Tell me the background

Let's talk about grammar. Most languages have two plural forms for counted elements: one for singular, like "1 thing", and one for plural, like "n things". However, certain languages have either just one form for singular and plural, or multiple plural forms depending on the number of elements that go with them.

For example, my mother tongue Lithuanian is a Baltic language coming from Indo-European language family keeping archaic features from ancient Sanskrit. Lithuanian has 3 plural forms. When one counts apples in Lithuanian, they say "1 obuolys", "2-9 obuoliai", "10-20 obuol", "21 obuolys", "22-29 obuoliai", "30 obuol", "31 obuolys", "32-39 obuoliai", etc.

The second most widespread language on the web after English is Russian. Russian is an Eastern Slavic language from Indo-European language family officially used as the main language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and some smaller countries. Russian is using a special Cyrillic alphabet and it has 3 plural forms too. When one counts apples in Russian, they say "1 яблоко", "2-4 яблока", "5-20 яблок", "21 яблоко", "22-24 яблока", "25-30 яблок", etc.

Arabic is the 5th most spoken language in the world. It is written from right to left and Arabic language is an interesting example having even 6 plural forms. When counting apples, they would say:

‫"0 تفاحة"، "تفاح واحدة"، "تفاحتين"، "3-10 التفاح"، "11-99 التفاح"، "100-102 التفاح"

OK OK, with apples starting from 3 it's all the same, but theoretically it differs with other words or in different contexts.

On the contrary, Japanese - East Asian language with 125 million speakers - has just one plural form. No matter, whether it's 1 apple or 100 apples, they will be counted using the same words: "りんご1個" or "りんご100個".

By the way, please correct me if there are any translation mistakes in my examples.

Show me some code

If you want to localize your Django website, you will need to do quite a bunch of things:

  1. Add the LANGUAGES setting in your settings:

        ('ar', _('Arabic')),
        ('en', _('English')),
        ('ja', _('Japanese')),
        ('lt', _('Lithuanian')),
        ('ru', _('Russian')),
  2. Add 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware' to your MIDDLEWARE list in the settings.

  3. Create a directory locale in your project directory with subdirectories called after each language code for which you need translations, e.g. ar, ja, lt, ru.

  4. Add LOCALE_PATHS in the settings to define where the translations will be localed:

        os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'locale'),
  5. Use i18n_patterns() for your translatable URLs to prefix all paths with language code:

    from django.conf.urls import url
    from django.conf.urls.i18n import i18n_patterns
    from notifications.views import notification_list
    urlpatterns = i18n_patterns(
        url(r'^$', notification_list),
  6. Use gettext() and its flavors in Python code and {% trans %} and {% blocktrans %} template tags in Django templates to define translatable strings.

  7. Use ungettext() in Python code to create translatable strings with counted elements:

    # using the new-style Python string format:
    notification = ungettext(
        "You've got {n} message.",
        "You've got {n} messages.",
    # using the old-style Python string format
    notification = ungettext(
        "You've got %(n)d message.",
        "You've got %(n)d messages.",
    ) % {'n': message_count}
  8. Use {% blocktrans %} with count to create translatable strings with counted elements in Django templates:

    {% load i18n %}
    {# will create the old-style Python string #}
    {% blocktrans trimmed count n=message_count %}
        You've got {{ n }} message.
    {% plural %}
        You've got {{ n }} messages.
    {% endblocktrans %}
  9. Run makemessages management command to collect translatable strings:

    (myenv)$ python manage.py makemessages --all
  10. Translate the English terms into other languages in the locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/django.po files.

  11. Compile translations into django.mo files using the compilemessages management command:

    (myenv)$ python manage.py compilemessages
  12. Restart the webserver to reload the translations.

So what about the plural forms?

As you might know, the most common translation in the *.po file looks like this:

    #: templates/base.html
    #, fuzzy
    msgid "My Original String"
    msgstr "My Translated String"

Very long strings are broken into multiple lines using the Pythonic concatenation without any joining symbol:

    msgstr ""
    "Very very very very very very ve"
    "ry very very very very very very"
    " very very very very long string."

Just before the msgid you see some comments where the string is being used, in what context, whether it is "fuzzy", i.e. not yet active, or what kind of format it is using for variables: old-style "python-format" like %(variable)s or new-style "python-brace-format" like {variable}.

The first msgid is an empty string which translation has some meta information about the translation file: language, translation timestamps, author information, contacts, version, etc. One piece of the meta information is the plural forms for that language. For example, Lithuanian part looks like this:

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"

as in:

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 1.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: admin@example.com\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-18 01:12+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-12 17:20+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Vardenis Pavardenis <vardenis@example.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian <lt@example.com>\n"
"Language: Lithuanian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n"
"%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"

It is using JavaScript-like syntax to define how many plural forms the language has, and what conditions define which type of the plural form each count gets.

Then the plurals are defined like this:

#: notifications/templates/notifications/notification_list.html:2
#, python-format
msgid "You've got %(n)s message."
msgid_plural "You've got %(n)s messages."
msgstr[0] "Jūs gavote %(n)s žinutę."
msgstr[1] "Jūs gavote %(n)s žinutes."
msgstr[2] "Jūs gavote %(n)s žinučių."

#: notifications/views.py:11
#, python-brace-format
msgid "You've got {n} message."
msgid_plural "You've got {n} messages."
msgstr[0] "Jūs gavote {n} žinutę."
msgstr[1] "Jūs gavote {n} žinutes."
msgstr[2] "Jūs gavote {n} žinučių."

Let's have a look at the other languages mentioned before. The Russian language would have plural forms defined like this:

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"

Then then translations for each of the 3 forms would go like this:

#: notifications/views.py:11
#, python-brace-format
msgid "You've got {n} message."
msgid_plural "You've got {n} messages."
msgstr[0] "У вас есть {n} сообщение."
msgstr[1] "У вас есть {n} сообщения."
msgstr[2] "У вас есть {n} сообщений."

You would define 6 plural forms for the Arabic language:

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=(n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5);\n"

And the translations for Arabic would look like this:

#: notifications/views.py:11
#, python-brace-format
msgid "You've got {n} message."
msgid_plural "You've got {n} messages."
msgstr[0] "لديك {n} رسائل."
msgstr[1] "لديك رسالة واحدة."
msgstr[2] "لديك رسالتان."
msgstr[3] "لديك {n} رسائل."
msgstr[4] "لديك {n} رسالة."
msgstr[5] "لديك {n} رسالة."

The Japanese language would have just one plural form defined:

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

And it would have just one translation:

#: notifications/views.py:11
#, python-brace-format
msgid "You've got {n} message."
msgid_plural "You've got {n} messages."
msgstr[0] "あなたはメッセージが{n}つを持っています。"

Tips to take away

  • Use the new-style Python format for variables whenever possible, because it is more understandable and less error prone for not-so-technical translators and it looks cleaner in the Python code.
  • Note that {% blocktrans %} template tag produces the old-style Python format for variables, whereas in Python code you can decide for yourself which format to use.
  • For the first entry msgstr[0], which usually represents singular form, don't replace the first {n} with 1 in the translation, because in many languages it also means 21, 31, 41, 101, etc. Let the variable be passed.
  • You can look up for the plural forms of a certain language at translatehouse.org. But the latest versions of Django also include some kind of plural forms, although they don't always match the conditions from the mentioned list.
  • If you want to edit plural forms more human-friendly than in a text editor, you can use the Poedit translation editor with graphical user interface. It shows the numbering cases listed, so you don't need reverse-engineer the conditions and guess about the leftovers in the else case.
  • Unfortunately, it is not possible to have multiple translatable counted objects in the same sentence using gettext. For example, "There are 5 apples, 3 pears, and 1 orange on the table" with changeable numbers is not a valid translatable sentence if you want to keep the counted elements human-friendly. To work around, you need to formulate three different translatable sentences.

Cover photo by Romain Vignes


Recap of DjangoCon Europe 2017

"DjangoCon, why is everybody wearing this t-shirt?" wondered the security guys in the airport of Florence, Italy, in the beginning of April. The reason for that was DjangoCon Europe 2017 happening there for a week, full of interesting talks in an exciting location.

What I liked, was that the conference was not only about technical novelties in Django world, but also about human issues that programmers deal with in everyday life.

Interesting Non-tech Topics

According to a manifest, the conference had a goal to strengthen the Django community and to shape responsible attitude towards the works done with Django.

Healthy and Successful Community

We have to build stronger communities including everyone who wants to participate without discrimination. Although, at first, it might be difficult as people have biases, i.e. prejudices for or against one person or group; by being emphatic we can accept and include everyone no matter what is their gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, neurodiversity, age, religion, disabilities, geographical location, food diversities, body size, or family status.

Valuing diversity and individual differences is the key for a healthy, positive and successful community, that empowers its members and helps them grow stronger and happier.

Responsibility for How We Use Technology

Information technology companies (Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook) are among the most traded companies in the world. IT connects people and their things, automates processes, stores and treats historical data. Usually you don't need many physical resources to start an IT business. Software developers have a power to shape the future, but should use this power responsibly:

With this, great responsibility is upon us: to make the future a better place, to make the future more evenly distributed, across gender gaps and discriminations, breaking economical, political and geographical barriers.


  • When creating an online business, it is important to think about the business value that your product will give to people and the way you will make money with it. Don't make assumptions without talking to your customers.
  • When choosing employees for your company, give them freedom how to prove their knowledge: by a quiz, or whiteboard interview, or a take-home programming task. Different people have different ways how to best represent their skills.
  • Launch as early as possible. Track the usage statistics with Google Analytics or other analytics service. Collect emails for the mailing list. Write about your product in a blog and personalized emails.
  • Django is an open-source project based on the hard work of many professionals, and if you gain any commercial value of it and appreciate the framework, you should donate to the Django Software Foundation.

Interesting Tech Topics

From the technical point of view, I liked several ideas mentioned in the conference:

Automate your processes

  • For starting new projects, you can have boilerplates with the mostly used functionalities already prepared. Django management command startproject has a parameter --template for that where you can pass a URL to a zip file.
  • Developers should have troubleshooting checklists for debugging, just like airplane pilots.
  • There are several types of tests. Unit tests check the functionality of individual functions or methods. Integration tests check how different units work together. The functional tests check how the processes of business requirements work from start to end. Finally, there is manual testing requiring people to click through the website and fill in the forms. Some tests like the ones involving third-party authentication or mobile phones, are hardly possible to automate. Anyway, manual testing is the most expensive in time and resources (besides it being boring for the tester), functional tests go after them, then integration tests, and lastly unit tests. Although automatic testing adds up to the development time, in the long run it makes the systems more stable and error proof.

What about Django

  • You can extend the Django ORM with custom lookups, transactions, and filtered prefetchings, to make your QuerySets more readable and more capable.
  • Once again, PostgreSQL has more capabilities than MySQL and is more stable. Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE ... SQL command to find the bottlenecks of your database queries. You can usually fix them by adding indexes.
  • You can have custom indexes for your database tables, to optimize the performance on PostgreSQL (or some other vendor) database.
  • Django 1.11 is out and it's a long-term support version.

What about Third Party Django Packages

  • After analyzing the 6 most popular model translation packages (parler, hvad, klingon, modeltranslation, nece, and i18nfield) from different angles (database support, integration in django admin and forms, performance, etc.), django-hvad seemed to be the winning approach.
  • You can visually build static websites with very little coded configuration using django-cms and djangocms-cascade. The djangocms-cascade provides an alternative nested-plugins system for Django CMS.

What about Django Projects

  • If you build web apps for developing countries, you have to keep these things in mind: people might be using cell phones instead of computers (you need responsive design with small or no images), Internet connectivity is slow and unstable (websites have to be fast and should preferably have offline versions), the users do not always understand English (the websites should be translated and adapted), and locations where people live do not always have street addresses.
  • Some interesting use cases: tracking the health of the heart with Arduino and Django, providing weather data to the whole Europe using Django, managing a radio station in Birmingham using Django.


Finally, thanks to the organizers for making this conference as great as it was. The city was beautiful, the food and coffee was delicious, the location for the talks was impressive. Looking forward to the next DjangoCon Europe!

Cover photo by Aidas Bendoraitis


Tracking the Results of Cron Jobs

Every Django website needs some automatic background tasks to execute regularly. The outdated sessions need to be cleaned up, search index needs to be updated, some data needs to be imported from RSS feeds or APIs, backups need to be created, you name it. Usually, if not all the time, those regular tasks are being set as cron jobs. However, when some task is run in the background, by default, you don't get any feedback whether it was successfully completed, or whether it crashed on the way. In this post I will show you how I handle the results of cron jobs.

In a Django project, all those tasks are usually implemented as management commands. For each such command I write a short bash script, that will call the management command with specific parameters and will print the verbose output to a log file.

Let's say my project structure is like this on a remote server:

├── bin
├── include
├── lib
├── public_html
├── backups
├── project
│   └── myproject
├── scripts
└── logs

A virtual environment is created in the home directory of myproject linux user. The Django project itself is kept under project directory. The scripts directory is for my bash scripts. And the logs directory is for the verbose output of the bash scripts.

For example, for the default clearsessions command that removes outdated sessions, I would create scripts/cleanup.sh bash script as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Cleaning up the database" > ${CRON_LOG_FILE}
date >> ${CRON_LOG_FILE}

source bin/activate
cd project/myproject    
python manage.py clearsessions --verbosity=2 --traceback >> ${CRON_LOG_FILE}  2>&1

echo "Finished." >> ${CRON_LOG_FILE}
echo "$(($duration / 60)) minutes and $(($duration % 60)) seconds elapsed." >> ${CRON_LOG_FILE}

To run this command every night at 1 AM, you could create a file myproject_crontab with the following content:

00 01 * * * /home/myproject/scripts/cleanup.sh

Then register the cron jobs with:

$ crontab myproject_crontab

By such a bash script, I can track:

  • At what time the script was last executed.
  • What is the verbose output of the management command.
  • If the management command broke, what was in the traceback.
  • Whether the command finished executing or hung up.
  • How long it took to run the command.

In addition, this gives me information whether the crontab was registered and whether the cron service was running at all. As I get the total time of execution in minutes and seconds, I can decide how often I can call the cron job regularly so that it doesn't clash with another cron job.

When you have multiple Django management commands, you can group them thematically into single bash script, or you can wrap them into individual bash scripts. After putting them into the crontab, the only thing left is manually checking the logs from time to time.

If you have any suggestions how I could even improve this setup, I would be glad to hear your opinion in the comments.

Here is the Gist of the scripts in this post. To see some examples of custom Django management commands, you can check Chapter 9, Data Import and Export in my book Web Development with Django Cookbook - Second Edition.

Cover photo by Redd Angelo