
17 Django Project Ideas that can Make a Positive Impact around You

17 Django Project Ideas that can Make a Positive Impact around You

For more than a decade, I was focused only on the technical part of website building with Django. In the process, I have built a bunch of interesting cultural websites. But I always felt that those sleepless nights were not worthy of the impact.

They say, "Don’t work hard, work smart!" I agree with that phrase, and for me it's not about working less hours. For me, it's working as much as necessary, but on things that matter most.

So after years of collecting facts about life, I connected the dots and came up with make-impact.org – a social donation platform, which became one of the most important long-term projects. All my planning goes around this project.

And I believe I am not the only programmer who sometimes feels that they want to make a positive impact with their skills. So I brainstormed 17 Django project ideas. You can choose one and realize it as a hobby project, open-source platform, startup, or non-profit organization; alone, with a team of developers, or collaborating with some non-technical people.

Idea #1: Low Qualification Job Search

The job market is pretty competitive, and not all people can keep up with the train. You could build a job search website for jobs that don't require high education or lots of working experience. It could be helpful for people with language barriers, harsh living conditions, or those who are very young or very old. You could build it for your city, region, or country.

Idea #2: Discounted Meals and Products

Get inspired from Too Good To Go and build a progressive web app for your city about discounted restaurant meals and shop products whose expiration date is close to the end, but they are still good to eat.

Idea #3: Personal Health Advisor and Tracker

Build a website for setting your personal health improvement goals and tracking the progress. For example, maybe one wants to start eating more particular vegetables every week, jogging daily, lose or gain weight, or get rid of unhealthy addictions. Let people choose their health goals and check in with each progressive step. Allow using the website anonymously.

Idea #4: Online Primary and Elementary School Materials

Some people don't have access to schools in general or miss some classes because of illnesses. You could build a global and open wiki-based primary and elementary school education website for children and adults. It should be translatable and localizable. It would also be interesting to compare the same subject teachings in different countries side-by-side.

Idea #5: Psychological Support for Women

You could build a website with a video chat providing psychological support to discriminated or violently abused women. The help could be given by professionals or emphatic volunteers. The technical part can be implemented using django-channels, WebSockets, and WebRTC.

Idea #6: Rain-harvesting Companies around the World

Rain harvesting is one of the available ways to solve the problem of the lack of drinking water. There could be a platform comparing rain-harvesting companies all around the world. What are the installation prices? What are the countries they are working with? How many people have they saved? This website would allow people to find the most optimal company to build a rain harvesting system for them.

Idea #7: Closest Electric Car Charging Stations

Use the Open Charge Map API and create a progressive web app that shows the nearest electric car charging station and how to get there.

Idea #8: Escrow-based Remote Job Search

As remote jobs are getting more and more popular, there is still a matter of trust between the employees and employers. "Will the job taker complete their job in a good quality?" "Will the company pay the employee on time?" There are Escrow services to fix this issue. These are third parties that take and hold the money until the job is done. You could build a remote job search website promoting the usage of Escrow.com or another escrow service provider.

Idea #9: Open Work Locations

You could build a website listing coworking spaces and cafes with free wifi in your city. It should include the map, price ranges, details if registration is required, and other information necessary for remote workers.

Idea #10: Most Admired Companies

There could be a social website listing the most admired companies to work for in your country. Companies could be rated by working conditions, salary equality, growth opportunities, work relations, and other criteria. Anyone could suggest such a company, and they would be rated by their current and former employees anonymously.

Idea #11: Tiny Houses

The cost of accommodation is a critical problem in many locations of the world. You could develop a website that lists examples of tiny houses and their building schemas and instructions.

Idea #12: Catalog of Recycled Products

You could work on a product catalog with links to online shops, selling things produced from collected plastic. For example, these sunglasses are made of plastic collected from the ocean. Where available, you could use affiliate marketing links.

Idea #13: Information for Climate-change Migrants

You could work on a website for climate-change migrants with information about getting registered, housing, education, and jobs in a new city or country with better climate conditions.

Idea #14: Fishes, Fishing, and Overfishing

Scrape parts of FishBase and create a website about fishes, fishing, and overfishing in your region or the world. Engage people about the marine world and inform them about the damage done by overfishing.

Idea #15: Plant Trees

Create an E-commerce shop or Software as a Service and integrate RaaS (Reforestation as a Service). Let a tree be planted for every sale.

Idea #16: Positive Parenting

Create a progressive web app about positive parenting. For inspiration and information check this article.

Idea #17: Constructive Forum

Create a forum with topic voting and automatic hate speech detection and flagging. For example, maybe you could use a combination of Sentiment analysis from text-processing.com and usage of profanity words to find negativity in forum posts.

It's your turn

I hope this post inspired you. If you decided to start a startup with one of those ideas, don't forget to do your research at first. What are the competitors in your area? What would be your unique selling point? Etc.

Also, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts. Which of the projects would seem to you the most crucial? Which of them would you like to work on?

Cover photo by Joshua Fuller


How to Use Semantic Versioning for Shared Django Apps

How to Use Semantic Versioning for Shared Django Apps

When you are building websites with Django, there is no need to track their software versions. You can just have a stable branch in Git repository and update the production environment whenever it makes sense. However, when you create a Django app or package shared among various websites and maybe with multiple people, it is vital to keep track of the package versions.

The Benefits

Versioning allows you to identify a specific state of your package and has these benefits:

  • Developers can be aware of which package version works with their websites together flawlessly.
  • You can track which versions had which bugs or certain features when communicating with open-source communities or technical support.
  • In the documentation, you can clearly see which version of the software it is referring to.
  • When fixing bugs of a particular version, developers of the versioned package have a narrower scope of code to check at version control commits.
  • Just from the version number, it's clear if the upgrade will only fix the bugs or if it requires more attention to make your software compatible.
  • When talking to other developers about a particular package, you can clearly state what you are talking about (yes, developers talk about software versions from time to time 😅).

Semantic Versioning

The most popular versioning scheme is called semantic versioning. The version consists of three numbers separated by dots. Django framework is using it too. For example, the latest stable version at the time of writing is 3.2.9. In semantic versioning, the first number is the major version, the second is the minor version, and the third is a patch version: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

  1. MAJOR version introduces backward incompatible features.
  2. MINOR version adds functionality that is backward compatible.
  3. PATCH version is for backward-compatible bug fixes.

There can also be some versioning outliers for alpha, beta, release candidates rc1, rc2, etc., but we will not cover them in this post.

By convention, the package's version is saved in its myapp/__init__.py file as __version__ variable, for example:

__version__ = "0.2.4"

In addition, it is saved in setup.py, README.md, CHANGELOG.md, and probably some more files.


When you develop a Django app or another Python package that you will share with other developers, it is also recommended to have a changelog. Usually, it's a markdown-based document with the list of features, bugs, and deprecations that were worked on between specific versions of your package.

A good changelog starts with the "Unreleased" section and is followed by sections for each version in reverse order. In each of those sections, there are lists of changes grouped into categories:

  • Added
  • Changed
  • Deprecated
  • Removed
  • Fixed
  • Security

This could be the starting template for CHANGELOG.md:


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).


### Added
### Changed
### Deprecated
### Removed
### Fixed
### Security

As the new version is released, it will replace the Unreleased section while creating a new Unreleased section above it. For example, this:


### Added

- Logging the cookie consent choices in the database because of the legal requirements.

### Fixed

- Disabling the buttons while saving the Cookie Choices so that they are not triggered more than once with slow Internet connections.

would become this:


[v0.2.0] - 2021-10-27

### Added

- Logging the cookie consent choices in the database because of the legal requirements.

### Fixed

- Disabling the buttons while saving the Cookie Choices so that they are not triggered more than once with slow Internet connections.

To keep track of the versions manually would be pretty tedious work, with the likelihood of forgetting one or more files or mismatching the version numbers. Gladly, there is a utility tool to do that for you, which is called bump2version.

Using bump2version


Install the bump2version utility to your virtual environment the standard way with pip:

(env)$ pip install bump2version


In your package's __init__.py file, set the version to 0.0.0:

__version__ = "0.0.0"

Set the version to 0.0.0 in all other files, where the version needs to be mentioned, for example, README.md and setup.py.

Then create setup.cfg with the following content:

current_version = 0.0.0
commit = True
tag = True

search = version="{current_version}"
replace = version="{new_version}"

search = __version__ = "{current_version}"
replace = __version__ = "{new_version}"

search = django_myapp-{current_version}-py2.py3-none-any.whl
replace = django_myapp-{new_version}-py2.py3-none-any.whl

search = 
replace = 
    [v{new_version}] - {utcnow:%%Y-%%m-%%d}

universal = 1

Replace "django_myapp" and "myapp" with your Django app there. If you have more files, mentioning the package version, make sure to have analogous version replacements in the setup.cfg.

Commit and push your changes to the Git repository.


Every time you want to create a new version, type this in the shell:

$ bump2version patch


$ bump2version minor


$ bump2version major

followed by the command to build the package:

$ python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

As mentioned before, patch is for the bug fixes, minor is for backward-compatible changes, and major is for backward-incompatible changes.

The bump2version command will use the configuration at setup.cfg and will do these things:

  • It will increment the current version number depending on the parameter passed to it.
  • It will replace the old version with the new one in the setup.py, myapp/__init__.py, and README.md.
  • It will take care of correct versioning in the CHANGELOG.md.
  • Then, it will commit the changes and create a tag according to the pattern vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH there.

Some further details

There are two things to note there.

First, in Markdown, there are two ways of setting the headings:



is identical to

# Changelog

## [Unreleased]

Usually, I would use the second format for Markdown, but the replacement function in setup.cfg treats lines with the # symbol as comments, and escaping doesn't work either.

For example, this wouldn't work:

search = 
    ## [Unreleased]
replace = 
    ## [Unreleased]
    ## [v{new_version}] - {utcnow:%%Y-%%m-%%d}

If anybody knows or finds a simple solution with the shorter Markdown variation, let me know.

Second, instead of using setup.cfg, you can use .bumpversion.cfg, but that file is hidden, so I recommend sticking with setup.cfg.

Final words

You can see this type of semantic versioning configuration in the paid Django GDPR Cookie Consent app I recently published on Gumroad.

Happy programming!

Cover photo by Jacob Campbell


Guest Post: Django Crispy Forms Advanced Usage Example

Guest Post: Django Crispy Forms Advanced Usage Example

This is a guest post by Serhii Kushchenko, Python/Django developer and data analyst. He is skillful in SQL, Python, Django, RESTful APIs, statistics, and machine learning.

This post aims to demonstrate the creation and processing of the large and complex form in Django using django-crispy-forms. The form contains several buttons that require executing different actions during the processing phase. Also, in the form, the number of rows and columns is not static but varies depending on some conditions. In our case, the set of rows and columns changes depending on the number of instances (columns) associated with the main object (data schema) in a many-to-one relationship.

The django-crispy-forms documentation includes a page Updating layouts on the go. That page is quite helpful. However, it does not contain any detailed example of a working project. IMHO such an example is much needed. I hope my project serves as a helpful addition to the official Django Crispy Forms documentation. Feel free to copy-paste the pieces of code that you find applicable.

Please see the full codebase here. It is ready for Heroku deployment.


Suppose we have a database with information about people: name, surname, phone numbers, place of work, companies owned, etc. The task is not to process the data but to work with meta-information about that data.

Different users may need to extract varying information from the database. These users do not want to write and run SQL queries. They demand some simple and more visual solutions. The assignment is to make it possible for users to create the data schemas visually. In other words, to develop such a form and make it fully functioning.

Schema editing form

Using their schemas, users will be able to CRUD data in the database. However, these operations are beyond the scope of the current project.

Different columns can have their specific parameters. For example, integer columns have lower and upper bounds. It is necessary to develop functionality for editing those parameters for all types of columns. For that editing, forms are used that arise after clicking the "Edit details" button on the main form.

Moreover, we have to develop a form "Create new schema" and a page with a list of all available schemas.


Described below:

  1. Data models used.
  2. How the required forms are generated.
  3. Recognizing and handling the user-initiated state changes.

The task described above can be better solved using JavaScript together with Django forms. It would reduce the number of requests to the server and increase the speed of the application. So the user experience would improve. However, the project aimed to create an advanced example of working with Django Crispy Forms.

Here you can learn the following tricks:

  1. Compose a complex Django Crispy Form using the Layout, Row, Column, Fieldset, Field, and other available classes.
  2. During form generation, iterate over the Foreign Key related objects and create a form row for each of them.
  3. When it makes sense to use an abstract base class and when it doesn't.
  4. How to encode the required action and other data in the button name during its creation.
  5. Determine which button the user clicked and implement the analog of switch-case statement to perform the required action.
  6. Automatically populate the newly generated form with the request.POST data if you want and if that data is available.
  7. Validation of user-entered data (phone number) using a regular expression.
  8. If you have many similar models, use metaprogramming to generate ModelForm classes for those models without violating the DRY principle.


According to the task, the number of columns in the schemas can be different. The users add new columns and delete existing columns. Also, they can change the type and order of columns. The columns and schemas have a many-to-one relationship that is described using the Foreign Key in Django models.

The picture shows that every schema has its name, 'Column separator' field, and 'String character' field. Also, it would be nice to save the date of the last schema modification. The following code from schemas\models.py file is pretty simple.

INTEGER_CH = "IntegerColumn"
FULLNAME_CH = "FullNameColumn"
JOB_CH = "JobColumn"
PHONE_CH = "PhoneColumn"
COMPANY_CH = "CompanyColumn"
    (INTEGER_CH, "Integer"),
    (FULLNAME_CH, "Full Name"),
    (JOB_CH, "Job"),
    (PHONE_CH, "Phone"),
    (COMPANY_CH, "Company"),

    (DOUBLE_QUOTE, 'Double-quote(")'),
    (SINGLE_QUOTE, "Single-quote(')"),

COMMA = ","
COLUMN_SEPARATOR_CHOICES = [(COMMA, "Comma(,)"), (SEMICOLON, "Semicolon(;)")]

class DataSchemas(models.Model):

    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    column_separator = models.CharField(
    string_character = models.CharField(
    modif_date = models.DateField(auto_now=True)

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse("schema_add_update", args=[str(self.id)])

Each column has a name, type, and order. All of these fields are in the base SchemaColumn(models.Model) class. This class cannot be abstract because in such a case, the code schema.schemacolumn_set.all() would not work.

Columns of type integer, first and last name, job, company, and phone number are implemented as classes derived from the base class SchemaColumn.

class SchemaColumn(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    schema = models.ForeignKey(DataSchemas, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    order = models.PositiveIntegerField()

    class Meta:
        unique_together = [["schema", "name"], ["schema", "order"]]

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SchemaColumn, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

class IntegerColumn(SchemaColumn):
    range_low = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True, default=-20)
    range_high = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True, default=40)

class FullNameColumn(SchemaColumn):
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=10, blank=True, null=True)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=15, blank=True, null=True)

class JobColumn(SchemaColumn):
    job_name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)

class CompanyColumn(SchemaColumn):
    company_name = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)

class PhoneColumn(SchemaColumn):
    phone_regex = RegexValidator(
        message="Phone number must be entered in the format: '+999999999'. Up to 15 digits allowed.",
    phone_number = models.CharField(
        validators=[phone_regex], max_length=17, blank=True, null=True
    )  # validators should be a list


The schema editing form is quite complex. We do not use the Django built-in ModelForm class here because it is not flexible enough. Our class DataSchemaForm is a derivative of the forms.Form class. Of course, django-crispy-forms was very helpful and even essential.

from crispy_forms.layout import (

The type of column in the form depends on the class of the column. How to determine that class? The problems can arise if we use the built-in isinstance() function for derived classes such as our various column types. The following code demonstrates how the subclass check was implemented in the forms.py file when generating the form.

INTEGER_CH = "IntegerColumn"
FULLNAME_CH = "FullNameColumn"
JOB_CH = "JobColumn"
PHONE_CH = "PhoneColumn"
COMPANY_CH = "CompanyColumn"
    (INTEGER_CH, "Integer"),
    (FULLNAME_CH, "Full Name"),
    (JOB_CH, "Job"),
    (PHONE_CH, "Phone"),
    (COMPANY_CH, "Company"),

subclasses = [
    for subclass in SchemaColumn.__subclasses__()

# yes, somewhat redundant
column_type_switcher = {
    "integercolumn": INTEGER_CH,
    "fullnamecolumn": FULLNAME_CH,
    "jobcolumn": JOB_CH,
    "companycolumn": COMPANY_CH,
    "phonecolumn": PHONE_CH,

column_type_field_name = "col_type_%s" % (column.pk,)
self.fields[column_type_field_name] = forms.ChoiceField(
    label="Column type", choices=COLUMN_TYPE_CHOICES
for subclass in subclasses:
    if hasattr(column, subclass):
        self.fields[column_type_field_name].initial = [

How new schemas are created

The function that generates the schema editing form may get the primary key of the existing schema. If such a key is not available, then the function creates a new schema and its first column. After that, the user can change the parameters of the schema, as well as add new columns.

if schema_pk:
    schema = DataSchemas.objects.get(pk=schema_pk)
    # no existing schema primary key passed from the caller,
    # so create new schema and its first column
    # with default parameters
    schema = DataSchemas.objects.create(name="New Schema")
    int1 = IntegerColumn.objects.create(
        name="First Column",

self.fields["name"].initial = schema.name
self.fields["column_separator"].initial = schema.column_separator
self.fields["string_character"].initial = schema.string_character

In addition to the schema editing form, the application also contains a list of all created schemas.

All schemas list

There is nothing special about that page, so I will not describe it in detail here. Pleas see the full code and templates at https://github.com/s-kust/django-advanced-forms.

Requests processing

The picture shows that the schema editing form contains several types of buttons:

  • Submit form
  • Add new column
  • Delete column
  • Edit column details

We need to determine which button the user pressed and perform the required action.

During the form creation, the required action is encoded in the names of all the buttons. Also, the column primary key or schema primary key is encoded there. For example, delete_btn = 'delete_col_%s' % (column.pk,) or submit_form_btn = 'submit_form_%s' % (schema.pk,).

The name of the button can be found in the request.POST data only if the user has pressed that button. The following code from the views.py file searches for the button name in the request.POST data and calls the required function. A well-known method is used to implement the Python analog of switch-case statement.

btn_functions = {
    "add_new_col": process_btn_add_column,
    "delete_col": process_btn_delete_column,
    "edit_col": process_btn_edit_column_details,
    "submit_form": process_btn_submit_form,
    "save_column_chng": process_btn_save_chng_column,
btn_pressed = None

# source of key.startswith idea - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13101853/select-post-get-parameters-with-regular-expression
for key in request.POST:
    if key.startswith("delete_col_"):
        btn_pressed = "delete_col"
    if key.startswith("edit_col_"):
        btn_pressed = "edit_col"
    if key.startswith("add_column_btn_"):
        btn_pressed = "add_new_col"
    if key.startswith("submit_form_"):
        btn_pressed = "submit_form"
    if key.startswith("save_column_chng_btn_"):
        btn_pressed = "save_column_chng"

    if btn_pressed is not None:
        func_to_call = self.btn_functions.get(btn_pressed)
        self.pk, form = func_to_call(self, key, form_data=request.POST)

Editing parameters of different types of columns

Different types of columns have their specific parameters. For example, integer columns have lower and upper bounds. Phone columns have the phone number field that requires validation before saving. The number of different types of columns can increase over time.

How to handle the Edit Details button click? The straightforward solution is to make individual ModelForm classes for each type of column. However, it would violate the DRY principle. Perhaps, in this case, the use of metaprogramming is justified.

def get_general_column_form(self, model_class, column_pk):
    class ColumnFormGeneral(ModelForm):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
           super(ColumnFormGeneral, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
           self.helper = FormHelper(self)
           save_chng_btn = "save_column_chng_btn_%s" % (column_pk,)
           self.helper.layout.append(Submit(save_chng_btn, "Save changes"))

        class Meta:
           model = model_class
           exclude = ["schema", "order"]

   return ColumnFormGeneral       

First, the type of column is determined using its primary key. After that, the get_general_column_form function is called. It returns the customized ModelForm class. Next, an instance of that class is created and used.

column = get_object_or_404(SchemaColumn, pk=column_pk)
for subclass in self.subclasses:
    if hasattr(column, subclass):
        column_model = apps.get_model("schemas", subclass)
        column = get_object_or_404(column_model, pk=column_pk)
        form_class = self.get_general_column_form(column_model, column_pk)
        form = form_class(
                column, fields=[field.name for field in column._meta.fields]

Handling of the column type change

The user may change the type of one or several columns. If it happens, it means that the class of these columns has changed. Here, it is not enough to change the value of some attribute of the object. We have to delete the old object and create a new object belonging to the new class instead. How do we handle it:

  1. First, a form is generated using the schema's primary key.
  2. Then, in the newly created form, the data from the database is replaced with the request.POST data, if that data is available. It happens automatically.
  3. In the next step, the form is validated. For that, we have to call the form.is_valid() method explicitly.
  4. If the validation is successful, then we process every column of the schema. For each column, its type from the database is compared with its type from the form. It means that its database type is compared with its request.POST type. If these types differ, the old column is deleted, and a new one is created instead.
# elem is a 'Submit Form' button that the user pressed.
# schema primary key is encoded in its name
# first, let's decode it
self.pk = [int(s) for s in elem.split("_") if s.isdigit()][0]

# form_data is request.POST
form = DataSchemaForm(form_data, schema_pk=self.pk)
if form.is_valid():
    schema = get_object_or_404(DataSchemas, pk=self.pk)
    schema.name = form.cleaned_data["name"]
    schema.column_separator = form.cleaned_data["column_separator"]
    schema.string_character = form.cleaned_data["string_character"]

    # the following code is in the save_schema_columns(self, schema, form) function
    schema_columns = schema.schemacolumn_set.all()
    for column in schema_columns:
        column_name_field_name = "col_name_%s" % (column.pk,)
        column_order_field_name = "col_order_%s" % (column.pk,)
        column_type_field_name = "col_type_%s" % (column.pk,)

        type_form = form.cleaned_data[column_type_field_name]
        type_changed = False
        for subclass in self.subclasses:
            if hasattr(column, subclass):
                type_db = self.column_type_switcher.get(subclass)
                if type_db != type_form:
                    new_class = globals()[type_form]
                    new_column = new_class()
                    new_column.name = form.cleaned_data[column_name_field_name]
                    new_column.order = form.cleaned_data[column_order_field_name]
                    new_column.schema = schema
                    type_changed = True
        if not type_changed:
            column.name = form.cleaned_data[column_name_field_name]
            column.order = form.cleaned_data[column_order_field_name]

Final Words

I hope this post serves as a helpful addition to the official Django Crispy Forms documentation. Feel free to copy-paste the pieces of code that you find applicable. Also, write comments and share your experience of using Django Crispy Forms.

Cover photo by Juan Pablo Malo.