To get the same choices from the model as in the admin form, you can use the following:
FIELD_CHOICES = SomeModel._meta.get_field("field_name").get_choices()
Then you can modify the text for the null-value choice, like
FIELD_CHOICES[0] = ("" _("- Choose One -"))
or even remove it:
To save the selected object you can simply assign the chosen value to the foreign key, like:
new_instance = SomeModel()
new_instance.field_name_id = form.cleaned_data['field_name']
If you need to do something with the selected object, you can still live without importing specific models and filtering the entries in the same manner as limit_choices_to. To save time, you can use the following function, which returns the queryset containing all the choosable objects:
def get_related_queryset(model, field_name):
Get the queryset for the choices of the field in a model
objects = get_related_queryset(SomeModel, "field_name")
f = model._meta.get_field(field_name)
qs =
return qs
Just put this function in one of you applications and import it whenever you need to work with forms. And have happy Easter!